Sheharyar Ahmed

Software Developer

Building modern digital experiences on Mobile and Web.


I am a passionate and experienced Software Developer building Mobile Apps and Web apps. Having worked in teams as well as solo developer for companies, enables me to bootstrap technical systems and work efficiently with existing ones.

I am proficient in:

React Native
Firestore DB

Tinkering with:



Contactless Checkout

Live (iOS)Live (Android)

Huma Productions (August 2023 - January 2024)

Huma Contactless for iOS and Android is a hassle-free self checkout app. It helps Shoppers find, scan, pay (self checkout) and manage their groceries. I was the hired as a solo developer by Huma Productions to turn their idea into reality.

  • React Native was used as our Framework of choice, with Typescript for a typesafe and modular codebase.
  • For styling of our app we decided to use Tailwindcss enabled by Nativewind, rather than simple CSS Stylesheet in React Native.
  • Backend of the app was a bit tricky to implement, because it also involved CMS for Shop Owners to manag their Inventory. Odoo was used for this purpose. Odoo was integrated into our backend with APIs. Nextjs was used for writing the Backend, deployed on Serverless Infrastructure by Vercel.
  • For Authorization and Authenctication we used Clerk.
  • Stripe was used for implementing Payments for our platform.
  • I was hired again for an Android version of our app. Using React Native paid back. I implemented a new module for our app, to allow shop keepers to sign as admin and scan products for administration puposes.

  • Tasked with making our existing React Native Typescript codebase cross-platform for Android and publishing app on Playstore.
  • Most challenging task was making iOS Product Scanner compatible with Android.
  • Headless Eccommerce Storefront

    Panaverse (September 2023 - December 2023)

    As part of a team I was lead backend developer for the project. I was responsible for integrating existing Shopify Headless Storefront frontend code with backend using Shopify Storefront Graphql APIs.

  • Web app uses Nextjs for performance and a great dev experience. It is built using the latest NextJs App Directory features.
  • Most interesting part of the project was building a Webhooks system integrating Storefront and Shopify CMS, doing Nextjs Cache revalidation and streaming incremental segments of UI from Server, resulting in perfomance and better User Experience.
  • Vercel is used for Serverless Deployment Infrastructure.
  • Eccommerce Hackathon

    Panaverse (April 2023 - May 2023)

    I participated in a Hackathon at Panaverse for building an Open Source Eccommerce using the described tech stack. Participants were given 1 week to learn the relevant tech and implement a complete functioning Eccomerce Store.

  • Project involved building frontend, backend, payments and a CMS for the Store.
  • Nextjs a React framework with Typescript for a modular and typesafe codebase.
  • Sanity was used for Content Management. Clerk for Authorization and Authenctication. Drizzle ORM with PostgresSQL database.
  • Stripe was used for hosted payment processing. Site is hosted on Serverless Infra by Vercel.
  • Teacher

    Panaverse (November 2023 - December 2023)

    I worked as a volunteer teacher for Panavserse. Teaching students how to create Shopify Storefronts as means for Event Driven Architecture. I really enjoyed my experience there.

    All of my classes were live streamed on Panaverse Youtube.